This companion piece to the Tufts School of Nutrition’s Viewbook is a first look at the school’s new artwork
Using a nutrition facts motif to describe the Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition School in a nutshell
This companion piece to the Tufts School of Nutrition’s Viewbook is a first look at the school’s new artwork
Using a nutrition facts motif to describe the Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition School in a nutshell
with a Man Ray sky…
It’s the year of the rabbit in the chinese calendar and what more would a rabbit enjoy than a lake of carrots.
from my workshop with the lovely and inspiring susie pilgrim waters
from susie pilgrim waters workshop
Next week I am off to Squam Lake to participate in Squam Art Workshops. Held twice a year (june & sept) these workshops are a place for creative play and a chance to be in the outdoors!