
Gaiter knows with water there is always possibility
Neil Armstrong knew this too…
An expectation of life — movement is the indicator
He never gives up looking
A lesson?
I have to tug, encourage or entice him away
He Odysseus, me a Siren
Am I missing something with my forward looking mind?
Maybe stillness is where the movement of possibility exists

Road work

Modern day hieroglyphics.

I am wondering what the message is…

Oil Pastels — yum

My mother gifted me some Sennelier Oil Pastels…ooh they are quite luxurious. No stingy box of crayons they. :)



Inspiration: Beauty

I created this area to share some of my travels, art, photography & craft. The play that inspires me. For more of my paintings and crafts, you can visit me at what flow looks like today WFLLT.space